[24.03.17] Album: Betty Who - The Valley

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[24.03.17] Album: Betty Who - The Valley

von Justin_T am 11.04.2017 18:17

Artist: Betty Who

Title: The Valley

Album Nr: 2

Release: 24.03.2017

Genre: Pop

Label: RCA

Producer: Betty Who, Pop, Oak, Zaire Koalo, Peter Thomas, Oligee, Vaughn Oliver, CJ Baran, Kyle Moorman, Pretty Sister, The Monsters And The Strangerz, Mstr Rogers, Robopop


1.The Valley

2.Some Kinda Wonderful (3rd Single)

3.You Can Cry Tomorrow

4.Mama Say

5.Human Touch (2nd Single)

6.Free To Fly ft.Warren G


8.Pretend You're Missing Me

9.Blue Heaven Midnight Crush

10.Make You Memories


12.Beautiful ft.Superfruit

13.I Love You Always Forever (1st Single)

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